Version without number

I write so many versions of these that I should by now be considering launching some kind of code or shortcut to this observation.

It is one thing filling your heart with love and another thing having enough supportive people around you to aid the wobbling balance of life.

I should be more selfless, yet I am often caught in a turmoil that exists between looking after yourself, like a good first aider, then being more able to help others AND being sucked into a habitual role of paramedic, protector and putting everyone else's needs ahead of my own sanity...

This is why empaths need to shut down from time to time and remember that aside from my usual mantra of " F%$k life and its pain, I am not done yet .." there is that which remains. The overwhelming imperative to remember the great work continues and to re-pledge my allegiance to the one thing. 

The road is long and lonely, especially being awake while the sheep sleep.........