
Reality is a persistent illusion in which we invest a transient interval that we call a life. A trillion distractions and attachments whisk us away from a simple state  that we habitually ignore. This 'conscious' road map is in fact a shared convenience that serves only to deny our actuality. In this disconnected state we are prey to a compromise that permits us to have only two choices - pursue pleasure or avoid pain. All of our actions and their consequencies are thus polarised by desires and material shortcuts. 

It is a cliché to yell "wake up" because we are already awake and the irony is that our brief lives are so full of insignificance. 
Take a moment today to look at the sky and be thankful to know that this precious gift of human life also means that we are only renting our bodies. 
There is the ground state 'actuality' that exists in the space between our thoughts and when we are awake and lucid in our dreams... 
Stop thinking, wake up in your dreams and time and all attachments will cease in this jewel of an interval.
Today is only the stuff of dreams .... and endless delusion.