
When almost all energy has expired and your eyes survey a different horizon filled with fog, apprehension and quiet fear, there is only one action. You have considered all the angles to the point of almost absurdity. Like twenty moves ahead in a chess game, your fingers twitch towards the piece to be moved as you shiver because you may have omitted a possible outcome. Paralysed like the proverbial deer in front of a bright light, there is a familiar reticence to budge. Yet that is precisely the move to make and only emotion creates that new path. Carefully burying the stymied traces of yesterday and knowing wholly, completely and totally that the universe has your back, cause it always does. So what is there left to fear, only fear itself and a niggling feeling as you exit your comfort zone again. Yet this is the big one, the one you have wanted to manifest for such a very long time and it would be so easy to scurry back to that old familiar place. This is the big one and you may have to risk everything with each forward move. The greatest journeys begin with a single step but this next journey has so much risk and I am trembling at a level that I never knew existed as I initiate the first steps. This is not a leap of faith it is a planned long jump with absolutely no idea where my feet will land.