History repetition

We are tangibly in a very dangerous place, we will probably pay a very high price for the greed culture we have created where everything is about profit and cyclical consumption. The media beats us down with transient lies and exploits our naivety. Transient lies are apparently okay, as is transience itself.

This is 1939 version two, or whatever letter of the Greek alphabet we have now arrived at in this sick experiment. Perhaps I should have watched every episode of the Simpsons and taken notes. The same goes for SciFi films, a lot of which turn out to be true over time.

The reality is that you need to stand guard at the door of your mind at every waking moment and assure that your dreams do not become your future nightmares. Health is both mental and physical and you need to strike a balance, so please take time to have a meeting with yourself and heal your own experience and fear.

It’s the powerlessness that certainly gets to me the most, yet if we all decided at the same time to take a trip to the shops and buy enough canned food for a month or so and then stopped buying we would get everyone’s attention and quickly. Yes, there would be less choice for a short period of time, but Ghandi’s passive resistance was very powerful and passive vetoing would be equally as effective.

We are only in fact powerless individually and can stop this runaway train easily.

I heard a shout from the corner, but that would hurt someone !!!  Like we all are not already wounded …

Greed has buried free energy technology, food growing is about buying poisoned seed every year, a healed patient is a lost customer …

The few who proclaim to have our best interests at heart, simply do not.

Everything gets exposed over time and this brash agenda only has a certain shelf life and yes, being a conspiracy actualist is going to become a dangerous pastime.