Fear less

It is not my parent’s fault, or my school or indeed anyone involved with my training and education. 
Some stuff simply has to be learnt on the journey.
There was no colouring book on fear, no free yourself of fear app to download. Only snippets of fear management every now and then that became both a collection of observations and the baggage of experience.
Fear multiplies like it is a sentient being, inside the seed of fear is more fear. Unconsciously fed it grows to produce more seeds of fear. It is healthy only to be aware of the potential of fear.
And as for fear:
Forget Everything And Run
False Evidence Appearing Real
- it is not all in the reframe, fear is about facing the darkness and not offering any resistance to the projection of a fretting mind. 
Which we all do better with ample servings of love, light and compassion both for ourselves and others.