A wake for the truth

Right now, I want to dispose of an old paradigm, the much-maligned conspiracy theorist. In its void I want to introduce a new perspective, the conspiracy actualist who has first-hand experiences that lead to a different exposure.

Equally, let’s bury now the old scientific method of observation, hypothesis and verification. We all know that it has become a worn-out ideology in a corrupt world. Now we have observation of profit possibility, media dispersion of transient hypotheses by new self-proclaimed experts and false verification supported by any and all media distortion.

While my head is screaming, in vain, at this highly transparent manipulation of what might be the truth or some partial therof, I need to remain centred. I need that sky like nature of mind.

I know in my heart of hearts that the truth died such a long time ago in a surfeit of information overload, the internet; that has now become a hideous mixture of truth and lies.  That overload of information, my new daily news has now become small pieces of condensed information, bite sized bits that lack all complexity and are devoid of any nuance.

It is okay to lie now, to mislead and to silence voices that might encourage everyone to think for themselves. It is equally okay to lie to yourself, having been duped and to save face by blending in with the rest of the herd and moving towards deep group amnesia.

Capitalism has bred unbridled greed, right from that first point in time when I bankrupted my competition by having lots of hotels and houses in a highly popular board game, I learnt the essence of pure capitalism. I was only a child back then, learning the first principles, but as I look back at that experience, I realise that it desensitized me to all compassion and sought to build up that foundation of greed. It sickens me still to have enjoyed those victorious moments because I did not understand then, that what you can imagine you can equally feel. Thoughts are powerful and cause as much emotional pain as the real experience. Idly watching an action movie is now a former pleasure as I start to understand that what is portrayed is what I can share and feel.

It goes that way, my stupid ego, to imagine that I am able to transcend this realism and to not be affected by it. I used to pride myself on being an ice man, unfeeling and cold, though that was only mad dis-location back then, and it sickens me still.

Make the choice every day to not be polluted by leisure violence.

Pride or hubris ? these are just word constructs. Hubris began as an intentional use of violence and is now pride bound and multiplied out of all sane proportions.

Is there a viable antidote for this global level of greed ? This human race is a long way off being human now and that small percentage of greed hungry beings has designs on making us all permanent slaves.  

Important questions ......